Whether you are interested in helping out with a one-time project, have service hours to complete as a part of a school program, or would like to give back to the community on a more regular basis, we thank you for considering volunteering! Below is information for several options and organizations that rely on volunteers:
Friends of the Berkeley Public Library
The Friends group at our library is a small, casual group of residents that help library staff with special projects, most commonly with periodic sales and related fundraising. They meet a few times of year and are always welcoming to new members. If you would be interested in joining the Friends, please give us a call or email us!
Teen Advisory Group
The Library is in the process of establishing a Teen Advisory Group that meets to evaluate both library programming and materials intended for a young adult audience. Do you have ideas for cool new events we should look into hosting for teens? Know a great book series that we don't have on our shelves yet? We want to hear from you! If you'd like to join the group, please email Katie for additional information and upcoming meeting date(s)!
Volunteer Kits
The Library regularly has volunteer kits available for teens in grades 6-12 to be 'checked out' and worked on within the library building. The featured kit may be putting together literature for a veterans organization, assembling blankets for those in hospice care, or other great ways to give back. These kits are intended only for school-required service hours. Please email Katie to inquire about availability and theme of kits.
Community Service Opportunities
While the library does not have court-appointed community service opportunities, please feel free to contact the resource below to learn more about local opportunities at alternate locations.
Circuit Court of Cook County
Office of the Chief Judge
50 West Washington Street, Room 2600
Richard J. Daley Center
Chicago, IL 60602
(312) 603-6000
Opportunities with Area Nonprofits
The Westchester Food Pantry proudly serves the communities of Bellwood, Berkeley, Broadview, Hillside, Hines, La Grange Park, Westchester, and Western Springs. They can be reached at westchesterfoodpantry@gmail.com or by phone at 708-927-4826.
The Elmhurst-Yorkfield Food Pantry is nearby on York Street in Elmhurst. They can be reached by using the contact form on their website or by calling 630-782-1066.
The West Suburban Humane Society is located in Downers Grove and is a nonprofit animal welfare center that relies on volunteers. They can be reached at director@wshs-dg.org or by phone at 630-960-9600.
Magnificent Mutts Animal Rescue is located in Hillside and provides cat and dog rescues, fostering, and adoption services. They can be reached using the contact form on their website.