"The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul."
—Alfred Austin
BPL Seed Library
The Berkeley Public Library seed library is currently being established for a March 2023 debut. If you are interested in donating seeds, please contact the Berkeley Community Garden Club. The seed library is available to all BPL cardholders and includes vegetables, herbs, flowers, and fruits in order to support the concepts of biodiversity, sustainability, nutrition, and availability of food to the community. Our hope is that this collection will allow gardeners in the area to try growing new plants and varieties with little risk.
2025 Seed Catalog List (Limited availability. This list is not updated.)
Seed Library FAQs
Where did the seeds come from? Our initial stock of seeds were all donated to us, primarily from Seed Savers and Ball Horticultural. We thank them for their support!
Who can take seeds from the seed library? Anyone with a Berkeley PL library card is welcome to take seeds.
Do I have to return/donate seeds? No, but the library and the Garden Club appreciate donations of heirloom or open-pollinated seeds that you collect. We do not knowingly accept genetically modified, hybrid, or patented seeds. If you would like to donate seeds, please fill out the Seed Donation Form to submit with your seeds.
How many seeds can I take? Please only take what you have room to grow, and please only take one packet of a given seed to ensure availability to others. We ask that each cardholder only take up to 10 seed packets.
How do I 'check out' seeds? Please bring seed packets to front desk so that we can "check them out" to you. This allows us to see which types and varieties are most popular in our community!
Seed Saving, Seed Storing, and Planting Resources
Illinois Vegetable Planting Dates, spacing, and seed information from the University of Illinois Extension Office
Illinois Vegetable Gardening Guide from the University of Illinois Extension Office
Illinois Native Plants Society includes useful information about the conservation and growing of native plants.
Illinois Prairie Chapter offers handouts and guides related to growing native plants from seed.
Seed Savers Blog provides easy how-to information on storing seeds.
The Seed Alliance offers a printable seed saving guide for all levels of gardeners.